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Northbourne ce
Primary School

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Special Educational Needs Coordinator
Mrs Morrison is the Senco for Northbourne Church of England Primary School.

[email protected]

Role of our Senco
My role within school is to ensure all children who have been identified as having a Special Educational Need, receive the support they need to engage with learning.  When a pupil is identified as having a SEN they will be entered onto our SEN Register, this ensures their additional provision can be monitored and reviewed regularly. We always discuss your child’s progress with you and together we will decide whether the support gained from being on the SEN register is beneficial to your child.

Along with monitoring provision and tracking pupil’s progress, I support teachers to ensure that strategies are in place to enable these pupils to progress and reach their full potential.  Sometimes it is necessary to involve specialist help in either identifying or supporting pupils, whose need, despite the consistent and thorough support offered by the school, continue to make little or no progress over a sustained period of time.  

Within my role I liaise with outside agencies and talk about children’s learning needs and how we can best support pupils in school.  Support could be: effective teaching approaches specific to the level and area of identified need, resources, strategies and interventions.  Throughout all of these processes I work with and support parents of pupils with SEN, to ensure that they are aware of targeted provisions and support offered by the school, the work of external agencies involved with their child and, where necessary, deciding on the next steps that we will take together to ensure that their child makes good progress.  We feel this is essential to the progress of all children within our school.

Additional Information for Parents and Carers of Children who have Additional Needs:

The Local Authority are responsible for ensuring that they provide details of how information, advice and support related to SEN and disabilities can be accessed and resourced.  This is identified in the Local Offer published on the website. The Local Authority are required to provide information to parents regarding:

'the provision they expect to be available across education, health and social care for children and young people in their area who have SEN or are disabled including these who do not have an Education, Health Care Plan (EHCP)'

Are there any other support services that could help?

National Network of Parent Carer Forums

Infomation, Advice and Support Kent for Parents

Family Information Services

Autism Education Trust

Dyslexia SpLD Trust


Please contact the school if you need any further information and we will be happy to signpost you to the appropriate Outside Agency/Charity or Organisation that would best help you.

Speech and Language at Northbourne

Our school works to support speech, language and communication with support from our NHS link speech & language therapist, Alison Piccinini, as well as specialist teachers. Your child may come into contact with specialist teachers within their classroom or around school. The SENCo, Mrs Morrison, will have regular meetings with therapists and specialist teachers to discuss our school’s provision.

If you have any concerns about your child’s speech, language or communication skills, please speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance.

If we have discussed a specific concern with you about your child’s speech, language or communication, or you have raised a concern, we will decide together whether to discuss this with our link therapist. You will be kept informed of any plans to support your child.

For more information regarding The Balanced System, please see the link below:

Some useful websites for parents to support Speech and Language:

Northbourne CEP School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and we expect all Governors, staff, volunteers, parents and carers to share this commitment.