Introduction from Designated Safeguarding Leads
The role of the Designated Safeguarding Leads within the school is to ensure that our pupils feel safe, happy and supported in school. We provide support, help and advice to our pupils, parents and carers around safeguarding matters, to enable our children to be happy, thrive and achieve at school.
We act as a link between the school and our families and any professionals working with them. Any matters discussed are treated with confidence and respect. Now and again all families may experience difficulties which leave them feeling a bit overwhelmed and unable to cope with the stresses and strains of everyday life. I understand that family life can sometimes be challenging and that parents and carers sometimes need someone to talk to, support them and guide them in the right direction to get specialist help and advice.
We work with KCC and external agencies in order to provide the best outcomes for our pupils and their families. We can signpost you in the direction of organisations, charities and agencies who can help if the school cannot. Our aim is to establish and foster good relationships with parents, carers and the children in our school, as well as professionals who work with them.
We are available to talk with you regarding concerns surrounding you or your children. This could range from children’s behaviour at home, parenting support, a family illness or loss through to parental separation, domestic abuse or risk of harm to a child. We work closely with our staff, statutory and voluntary agencies and childcare professionals to improve the opportunities for our children and their families.
Designated Safeguarding Leads
Mr M Reynolds Headteacher - DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Mrs K Morrison - Deputy DSL (SENCo)
Miss A Bradley - Deputy DSL (EYFS teacher)
Miss R Cooper - Deputy DSL (Year 5/6 teacher)