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Northbourne ce
Primary School

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We have a Local Governing Body at Northbourne CEP School. The Governing body was re-constituted on the formation of DEALT on 1 April 2019.

To correspond with the Chair of Governors, please clearly address any written letters "FAO Chair of Governors" and post to the school office, at Northbourne CE Primary School, Deal, Kent, CT140LP

Any email for the Chair of Governors should be clearly titled "FAO Chair of Governors" and sent to: [email protected]

Governing Body Membership

Appointed Governors (by Foundation/Trust)

Mrs Charmian Winslade - Chair of Governors (linked to Leadership & Management, Attendance,                                                                                        Assessment, Quality of Education)

Mr Carl Thompson - Joint Vice Chair of Governors (linked to Safeguarding, Quality of Education)

Mr Rob Marriott - (linked to Quality of Education)

Mrs Gill Harris - (linked to Quality of Education)

Foundation Governors:

Mr Brian Semple - Joint Vice Chair of Governors (linked to SIAMS, GDPR, Website compliance,                                                                                                shadow Finance, Quality of Education)

Vacancy - Ex-Officio Foundation

Parent Governors:

Mrs Jacqueline Traynor - (linked to Quality of Education)

Mr David Jackson-Merrick - (linked to Finance, Quality of Education)

Staff Governor:

Miss Amanda Bradley - Class Teacher


Mr Matthew Reynolds - Headteacher

Associate Governors

Mrs Katharine Moore

Miss Kate Randall

Governance Professional:

Sarah Carroll - (Governor Services - The Education People)

Updated September 2024

Northbourne CEP School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and we expect all Governors, staff, volunteers, parents and carers to share this commitment.