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Northbourne ce
Primary School

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The School Day

Times of school sessions

We start our school day between 8.30 - 8.45 am.  Pupils and parents have 15 minutes with which to arrive at school.  All pupils must be in class by 8.45 am for the start of the school day.


8.45am – 10.30am 


10.45am - 12 noon




1.00pm - 3.00pm (for EYFS, Year 1/2)

1.00pm - 3.10pm (for Year 2/3, Year 3/4 and Year 5/6)



It is important that children are not late for school.  Late arrival in the classroom can be disruptive for your child and disturb the learning of other children.  Your child will receive a Late mark in the Register once registers close at 08:55 hours.  Persistent lateness will be referred to the Headteacher/Lead Safeguarding Officer.

Northbourne CEP School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and we expect all Governors, staff, volunteers, parents and carers to share this commitment.